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Augusta Reina

Father Luis-Eduardo Cestac, in 1864, had a vision of innumerable demons scattered throughout the earth, concomitantly seeing Mary, who announced to him that it was necessary to ask the Queen of Angels to send her heavenly legions of the Holy Angels to defeat the demons that had their power released around the world.

“I saw the Blessed Virgin who told me that, indeed, demons were walking the world and that the time had come to beg her, as Queen of Angels, asking her for the Holy Legions to fight and crush the infernal powers.

“My mother, being so kind, could you not ordain it without being asked?”

No, because prayer is a condition imposed by God himself to attain graces.

– Well, my Mother, in that case, will you deign to teach me how to pray?”

For the great devotion that our founding servant, Father Alexandre Paciolli, has for his Guardian Angel, the prayer of the Holy Angel is also prayed, crying out for his protection throughout the day. Ending with our motto: All for Jesus, nothing without Mary.

“The community is founded on the merciful look of Mary Most Holy who, throughout her life, was wrapped by the gaze of Jesus. (…) For this reason, each member of the community seeks the identity of his gaze and of his whole being with the gaze of Mary Most Holy, becoming a missionary of the mercy of Jesus. From this understanding springs the motto of the Community “All for Jesus, nothing without Mary”


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