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The Season of Lent, which prepares us to live well the central moment of our life as Christians: the Holy Triduum, culminating in the celebration of the Lord’s Easter.

04/04/2023 . Formações
Augusta Queen!
Every year our liturgy is marked by a very special time: the Season of Lent, which prepares us to live well the central moment of our life as Christians: the Holy Triduum, culminating in the celebration of the Lord’s Easter. The time of Lent is a favorable time for us to enter the desert with Jesus, to go out with Him in Holy Week, participating in the Resurrection. For this, there are 3 words that the Church places as central to us: charity, fasting and prayer. According to CCE 1434, “Fasting, prayer and charity express conversion towards oneself, towards God and towards others”. By fasting we gain mastery of our instincts and freedom of our heart. We show our body that we dominate it. Already with charity, we manage to detach ourselves from material goods, in addition to living charity going to meet the brothers in need. Finally, prayer is the elevation of the soul to God in order to establish an alliance with him. It is to be in the presence of God and in communion with Him. It is the heart that prays. Lent purposes should help us in our conversion and pursuit of holiness, as well as seeking to repair the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We will prepare a good Lent if we take into account our dominant vices and use tactics and practices to combat them with our virtues. For example, if someone recognizes the vice of gluttony, he tries to fight this vice by working the virtue of temperance, with the practical attitude of abstaining from a meal. Some other examples of purposes can be: taking the stairs instead of the elevator, not complaining, smiling whenever you are not happy, serving as soon as someone asks you to, sleeping without a pillow, not fanning yourself in the heat, taking a cold shower, fulfilling the heroic minute (getting out of bed exactly when the alarm clock goes off), abstaining from food and drink, eating something you don’t like, leaving the meal table without being fully satiated, reading a book on spirituality Our Holy Father Pope Francis tells us: Lent is a journey that involves our whole life, all of ourselves. It is time to check the roads we are traveling, to find the path that takes us back home, to rediscover the fundamental bond with God, on which everything depends” (Mass for the imposition of ashes 2021) And you, what addiction do you see that you need to fight and what is the practical purpose in this Lent to fight and get closer to Christ in the Christian walk?
All for Jesus nothing without Mary


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