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Novena to Saints Luís and Zélia Martin

03/07/2023 . Formações


Saints Luís and Zélia Martin were the parents of Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus and also the first spouses to be canonized together. The holy spouses placed God at the center of the family, building day after day an environment full of faith and love; and, in this climate, the sanctity of the family was formed daily, with much perseverance and fidelity. May this Novena lead us into the life of the Martin Family, and encourage us to invoke the intercession of this holy couple, so that we too can make more and more room for God in our lives as individuals and as a family. His liturgical feast is celebrated on the 12th of July. The couple is the patron saint of the Merciful Gaze Community.


During their youth, before they met, Maria Zélia and Luís Martin wanted to dedicate their lives to God. Both tried religious life, but were not accepted because God had other plans: their vocation was marriage. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for all people who seek to discern their vocation, (give the people you know who are in vocational discernment) that the Holy Spirit shows the way and leads them to meet the will of the Lord . Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send Your Spirit and everything will be created and You will renew the face of the Earth. God, who instructed the hearts of your faithful with the light of the Holy Spirit, make us rightly appreciate all things according to the same Spirit and always enjoy his consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.


Luís and Zélia met for the first time in April 1858 on the São Leonardo bridge. She was impressed by this “young man of noble countenance, reserved countenance and dignified manner”, and felt that an inner voice told her that he would be her future husband. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for those called to marriage. For singles, who wait patiently to meet the person chosen by God and who have the wisdom to, like Santa Zélia, understand who the right person is. For boyfriends and fiancés, who know how to use the time to discern God’s plans for each one and for the couple. (put your intentions here) Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our heart similar to yours.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father. All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



Luís and Zélia were married on the night between 12 and 13 July 1858, just three months after they met. The civil marriage took place in the municipality of Alençon, at 10 pm on the 12th, and the religious marriage, at midnight, as was customary at that time, in the church of Our Lady. Zélia recorded in her letters about her love for Luís: “Your wife who loves you more than your life” and “I hug you as much as I love you”. Both led an intense spiritual life consisting of daily Mass, personal and community prayer, frequent confession and participation in parish activities. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for lovers, engaged and married, that they may be led to a holy marriage. May they be faithful, dedicated and loving towards each other and look together towards God’s will for the family. May they be blessed with divine providence and with the children the Lord sends them. May they have wisdom, perseverance and balance to form holy families. (put your intentions here)

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father. All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



Luís and Zélia Martin had nine children, of whom five girls survived. Four died prematurely (2 girls and 2 boys).

For Zélia, as well as for her husband, it was very difficult to deal with the loss of children, but her faith allowed her to believe that her children were better off with God. Despite the sadness that filled her heart, she said she was happy to have children in heaven, because, as she noted in a letter, “God has shown me in a remarkable way that He accepts my sacrifice.” Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask that you intercede for couples trying to conceive, that they receive the grace of fertility and health so that the babies are generated, gestated, develop and are born under the protection of Our Lady. For all ongoing pregnancies, may mothers and children be protected from all harm and blessed with health and peace. We ask for unborn children, dead in the mother’s womb and aborted children, to be cared for by the Mother of Mercy and to intercede for their parents. We ask for parents who have lost children of any age, that they know how, like Saint Zélia, to offer their pain as a sacrifice and that they be consoled by the faith that their children are in heaven, with God and by Our Lady, who knows the size of this pain and sympathizes. (put your intentions here) Hail Queen, Mother of mercy. Life, sweetness, our hope, save. To you we cry out, banished children of Eve. To you we sigh, groaning and crying in this valley of tears. Hey, then, our lawyer. Those merciful eyes of yours return to us. And after this exile, show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



Santos Luís and Zélia transmitted to all their daughters the love of God and neighbor. Also, their business was not an impediment to spending quality time with them. “I love children madly, I was born to have them”, expressed Zélia in one of her letters. In her book “History of a soul”, Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus wrote the following about the moments they shared together: “How happy those family celebrations were!” The illness did not prevent Saint Zélia from taking care of her family with rigor. It did not prevent her from having a tiring routine, as she bravely took care of her company, her employees and her family without neglecting her spirituality and the spirituality of her children and husband. The Martin family spared no time for God in any of their days. Family prayer was daily, as was Holy Mass. And that’s how Zélia formed her holy family. Zélia had a very particular understanding of the sacredness of motherhood thanks to a priest with whom she once confessed as soon as she got married. She believed that children are to populate heaven. “For me, our children were a great joy, so I wanted to have a lot of them in order to raise them for heaven” (Letter 192). And so she created them. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for all families, so that parents know how to educate their children in the faith and watch over the salvation of their souls. May they be able to provide for the spiritual and material needs of their families, maintain peace, joy and dialogue among all. May they know how to set an example of love, mercy and holiness, mirrored in the family of Nazareth and under its protection. (put your intention here)

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father. All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



The Martins raised five girls who dedicated their lives to God. Maria (February 22, 1860), Carmelite in Lisieux, called “Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart”, died January 19, 1940. Paulina (September 7, 1861), called “Sister Agnes of Jesus” in Carmel of Lisieux , who died July 28, 1951. Leonia (June 3, 1863), called “Sister Françoise-Thérèse”, became a Visitandine in Caen, who died June 16, 1941.

Celina (April 28, 1941 1869), Carmelite in Lisieux, renamed “Sister Genevieve of the Holy Face”, who died on February 25, 1959. Teresa (January 2, 1873), called “Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face” was a Discalced Carmelite and became a saint and doctor of the Church, who died on September 30, 1897. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede so that the children find their true vocation. May they be led through life by their guardian angels to carry out the mission that God has assigned them. May those called to the religious life and the priesthood find support in their families and friends to follow the Lord’s call. May the most hardened hearts be broken by grace and may God’s plans come true in each and every family. (put your intentions here) Holy angel of the Lord, my zealous guardian, if he entrusted me with divine mercy, always governs me, guards me, governs me and enlightens me. Amen.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



Even sharing attention with their children and work, the Martin couple remained loving and passionate. Zélia’s letters reflect the love she felt for Luís: “I’m very happy with him, because he makes my life so sweet. My husband is a holy man, I want one like all women.” Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for couples, who are able to cultivate love and loving and peaceful coexistence. May they be meek and humble to one another and support and listen to one another. May they rely on faith to face marital and family problems and persevere in the search for a holy home. May they be freed from selfishness and competition, receive the grace to forgive and look with mercy on their spouse. (put your intentions here) O my Lady, O my mother, I offer you my marriage. In proof of my devotion to you, I consecrate to you today and always, our eyes, our ears, our mouths, our hearts and our entire being. And because we are yours, O incomparable Mother, guard and defend us as your children and property. Amen.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



At the age of 45 Zélia receives the terrible news that she has a tumor in her breast. She lived through her illness with firm Christian hope until her death in August 1877. At the age of 54, Luís had to take care of his family alone. The first born was 17 years old and the last, Teresa, was 4 and a half years old. So he transferred to Lisieux, where Zélia’s brother lived. In this way, the daughters received the care of Aunt Celina. Between 1882 and 1887 Luís accompanied his three daughters to Carmelo. The biggest sacrifice for him was moving away from Teresa, who joined the Carmelites at just 15 years old. Luís was hit by an illness that made him an invalid and led to the loss of his mental faculties. He was admitted to the Caen sanatorium. He died in July 1894. Santos Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask that you intercede for all families, that they have the balance to deal with the obstacles on the way. May they be protected by the heavenly militias in the face of trials. Who know how to take care of their elderly with love and dedication and who do not lack the necessary measures for old age. (put your intentions here) São Miguel Archangel, defend us in combat, be our refuge against the evils and snares of the devil. God command you, we instantly ask for it. And you, prince of the celestial militia, by the divine power, precipitate in hell Satan and the other evil spirits who walk around the world to lose souls.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!



Luís and Zélia Martin were canonized on October 18, 2015, becoming the first couple whose spouses are declared saints on the same date.

Marriage sanctified them. His feast is celebrated today, July 12, on his wedding anniversary. Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, we ask you to intercede for families, that they manage to cultivate faith and seek holiness, regardless of the obstacles they face. May God’s grace and Mary’s love and protection be present, illuminating the minds and hearts of parents and children to keep their eyes fixed on heaven, like you. Who know how to educate their children, manage to provide their home with decent work, be generous with the needy, be well cared for in illness and old age just as you did. May each family seek to make their home like yours: a taste of heaven on Earth. (put your intentions here) Augusta Queen of Heaven, Sovereign Master of the Angels, you who received from God the power and mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly ask you: send your heavenly legions, so that under your orders and by your power, they may pursue the demons, fighting them everywhere, curbing their insolence and casting them into the abyss. Who is like God? O mother of goodness and tenderness, you will always be our love and our hope. O divine mother, send your holy angels to defend us and repel the cruel enemy far from us. Holy angels and archangels, defend and guard us. Amen.

Saints Luís and Zélia Martin, pray for us and for our families. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

All for Jesus, nothing without Mary!


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