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Lent Saint Michael the Archangel

14/08/2023 . Formações

To celebrate Lent it will be necessary to provide:

1- Small altar with an image or print of Saint Michael;

2- Light a holy candle;

3- Offer a penance;

4- Make the sign of the Cross;

5- Pray the prayers indicated below.

Opening Prayer: Small Exorcism performed by Pope Saint Leo XIII (to be prayed daily)

Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in combat, be our refuge against the evil and snares of the devil. God command you, we instantly ask for it; and you, Prince of the Celestial Militia, by Divine virtue, cast Satan and all the evil spirits who walk around the world to lose souls into hell. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus! Have mercy on us. (3x)

Litany of Saint Michael

Lord have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, hear us. Jesus Christ, answer us.

Heavenly Father, who art God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the World that you are God, have mercy on us. Holy Spirit, who art God, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, that you are one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us.

Saint Michael, pray for us.

Saint Michael, full of God’s grace, pray for us.

Saint Michael, perfect worshiper of the Divine Word, pray for us.

Saint Michael, crowned with honor and glory, pray for us.

Saint Michael, mighty Prince of the Lord’s armies, pray for us.

Saint Michael, standard bearer of the Holy Trinity, pray for us.

Saint Michael, guardian of Paradise, pray for us.

Saint Michael, guide and comforter of the Israeli people, pray for us.

Saint Michael, splendor and fortress of the militant Church, pray for us.

Saint Michael, honor and joy of the triumphant Church, pray for us.

Saint Michael,  Light of Angels, pray for us.

Saint Michael, bulwark of Christians, pray for us.

Saint Michael, strength of those who fight for the banner of the Cross, pray for us.

Saint Michael, light and confidence of souls in the last moment of life, pray for us.

Saint Michael, very sure help, pray for us.

Saint Michael, our help in all adversity, pray for us.

Saint Michael, herald of eternal sentence, pray for us.

Saint Michael, comforter of the souls in purgatory, pray for us.

Saint Michael, whom the Lord entrusted with receiving souls after death, pray for


Saint Michael, our Prince, pray for us. Saint Michael, our Advocate, pray for us.


Lamb of God, who take away the sin of the world, forgive us, Lord. Lamb of God, who take away the sin of the world, hear us, Lord. Lamb of God, who take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us,


Jesus Christ, hear us.

Jesus Christ, answer us.

  1. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the Church of Christ,
  2. that we may be worthy of his promises. Amen.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus Christ, sanctify us, for an ever new blessing and grant us, through the intercession of São Miguel, the wisdom that teaches us to gather riches from Heaven and to exchange the goods of the present time for eternal goods. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.


Pray: one Our Father in honor of St. Gabriel. One Our Father in honor of Saint Michael

One Our Father in honor of Saint Raphael.

One Our Father in honor of our Guardian Angel.

Glorious Saint Michael, chief and prince of the heavenly armies, faithful guardian of souls, conqueror of rebellious spirits, beloved of the house of God, our admirable guide after Christ; you, whose excellence and virtues are most eminent, deign to deliver us from all evils, we all who resort to you with confidence, and do for your incomparable protection, that we advance more every day in faithfulness in serving God.

  1. Pray for us, O blessed Saint Michael, prince of the Church of Christ.
  2. That we might be worthy of his promises.

Prayer: God, almighty and eternal, who, by a prodigy of goodness and mercy for the salvation of men, chose the most glorious Archangel Saint Michael to be the prince of Your Church, make us worthy, we ask You, to be preserved from all our enemies, so that at the hour of our death none of them may disturb us, but that it may be given to us to be introduced by him into the presence of Your powerful and august Majesty, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


Consecration: O most noble Prince of Angels, valiant warrior of the Most High, zealous defender of the glory of the Lord, terror of rebellious spirits, love and delight of all righteous Angels, my dearest Archangel Saint Michael, desiring that I be part of the number of your devotees and servants, to you today I consecrate myself, I give and offer myself and place myself, my family and everything that belongs to me, under your most powerful protection. The offer of my service is small, being as I am a miserable sinner, but you will increase the affection of my heart; remember that from now on I am under your support and you must assist me throughout my life and obtain for me the forgiveness of my many and serious sins, the grace to love God with all my heart, my dear Savior Jesus Christ and my Mother Mary Most Holy, obtain for me those aids that are necessary for me to obtain the crown of eternal glory. Defend myself from the enemies of the soul, especially at the time of death. Come, O glorious Prince, to assist me in the last fight and with your powerful weapon cast far away, precipitating into the abysses of hell, that proud and promise-breaking angel that one day you prostrated in the fight in Heaven.

Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in the fight so that we do not perish in the supreme judgment.



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