Help US!
Make your Donation through bank deposit (Banck Itaú), PayPal or PIX.
Some donations can be directed to a specific work and to identify it, add at the end of any value that you are going to donate “the cents” referring to each work:
Mercy Truck Rio de Janeiro = add R$ 0,15
Santa Maria Mercy Truck = add R$ 0,16
Mercy Truck Unaí = add R$ 0,17
Mercy Fund = add R$ 0,12
Hermitage = add R$ 0,13
Valle de la Misericordia and Mater Misericordiae Seminary = add R$ 0,14
Always count on our prayers and may God repay you!
Account Deposit
Bank: 341 – Banco Itaú
Type: 01 – CC
Ag.: 2798
CC: 14,957–7
Type: 02 – Legal
Name: Comunidade Olhar Misericordioso de Nossa Senhora de Vida e Aliança
CNPJ: 28.313.535 / 0001–31
CNPJ: 28.313.535 / 0001–31
For Donations and international payments outside Brazil only