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Suggested Bible reading order

31/08/2023 . Formações

The month of September is dedicated to the Bible, because of its importance in the life of every Christian (Find out earlier “Why September is the month of the Bible”). It contains God’s teachings to humanity. However, not everything that God has taught is only in written form. In this sense, it is the union of Tradition, the Magisterium and Sacred Scripture that supports the basis of the Catholic faith and is the source for the faithful to be aware of their faith.

So dedicate yourself to reading and meditating on the Bible more deeply this month. You will see graces happening in your life.

“The words of Sacred Scripture were not written to remain stuck on papyrus, parchment or paper, but to be received by a person who prays, making them spring up in their own heart. The word of God goes to the heart. The Catechism says: “The reading of Sacred Scripture must be accompanied by prayer – the Bible cannot be read like a novel – so that a dialog between God and man is possible” (n. 2653). This is how prayer leads you, because it is a dialog with God. That verse in the Bible was also written for me, many centuries ago, to bring me a word from God. It was written for each one of us” (Pope Francis).

But where to start?

Here’s a suggested reading order to get you started. Ask the Holy Spirit for light and get to work. Take the opportunity to offer it for the intentions of a priest or a family you know. Turn this reading into a prayer.

NEW TESTAMENT READING ORDER (introductions according to the Jerusalem Bible)

* Read the introduction to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke)

– Gospel according to St. Matthew

– Gospel according to St. Mark

– Gospel according to St. Luke


* Read the introduction to the Gospel according to St. John

– Gospel according to St. John


* Read the introduction to the Acts of the Apostles

– Acts of the Apostles

* Read introduction to the Catholic Epistles

– 1st and 2nd St. Peter

* Read introduction to the Epistles of St. John

– 1st, 2nd and 3rd St. John

– St. James

– St. Jude


* Read introduction to the Epistles of St. Paul

– 1st and 2nd St. Paul to the Thessalonians

– St. Paul to the Galatians

– St. Paul to the Romans

– 1st and 2nd St. Paul to the Corinthians

– St. Paul to the Ephesians

– St. Paul to the Philippians

– St. Paul to the Colossians

– St. Paul to Philemon

– 1 and 2 St. Paul to Timothy

– St. Paul to Titus


* Read the introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews

– To the Hebrews


* Read introduction to the Apocalypse

– St. John’s Apocalypse


To access the complete suggested reading order, including the Old Testament, buy the Prayer Book written by the Merciful Gaze Community by click here.

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